
beautiful designs from Eric Schmidt

What makes a great room? Well here is a quote I agree with 100% from Eric Schmidt,
"A great room is the perfect blending of style, comfort and function for today’s modern family. Perhaps drawing you in through tactile pleasures; well blended textures; soft, hard, smooth, rough…or by color or light. It should be a room you enjoy being in."
His designs are detailed to the last accessory and I'm inspired by the all beautiful colors he experiments with! Hope you enjoy them as much as I have this morning...

And lastly a little tid bit from Eric and how he describes his design style.
"My overall design vision is “The Modernization of Tradition”. Creating timeless interiors that embrace a variety of styles with a clean, contemporary edge. I enjoy taking a fresh approach to design, one that stretches the imagination – a new approach to the familiar."

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